Fort Negrita Blog — Atlanta
RSVP for The First Zero Waste Event In Atlanta
I've been entertaining this idea in my mind for a while to start a zero waste Meetup group in Atlanta.
As if I'm some unicorn from Venus, one day I frantically asked Trapp, a staff member at Sevananda, "Are there other people like me?!" as he measured the weight of my mason jars and food containers.
He told me there were others, like the guy who brings old liquor bottles to fill up with honey, and...
Make Zero Waste Body Butter (VIDEO)
This is universal gold. Hair, body, nail, hand, toe butter. Apply liberally anywhere for an automatic transition to the Egyptian pyramids, circa, ancient times.
Did I mention I get the shea butter zero waste at an Afro-Boutique in Little Five Points? Did I mention all the ingredients are zero waste? Oh...
What You Will Need:
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Shea Butter
Pure Glycerin
Castor Oil
Empty Mason Jar with...
Me and 'the Fort' on CNN
I was recently featured on CNN's digital platform, "See how she lives 'zero waste' lifestyle" where I give tidbits about my zero waste life and show off my five months of trash, which fits into a 32-ounce Mason jar. I also show how zero waste shopping works, which you can also find a full article about that here.
Check me out!
My Zero Waste Life// Ecotourism (VIDEO)
There are many ways to explore a city. Some find fancy in the nightlife, others like to dwell in historical neighborhoods, but I'm always wondering 'what that nature life talm bout?!' In laymen term "Where are the ecotourist attractions?"
Get this, I lived in Tallahassee for almost five years and never visited the Sinkhole, Wakulla Springs or the Apalachicola National forest. It's crazy to think I...
My Zero Waste Life// Food To-Go (VIDEO)
Dashing out of the house with my shoes untied and my hair halfway unbraided is a common morning habit here at the Fort. The frequent morning rush often means no time for breakfast.
In my clever effort to be zero waste, I figured out an easy breakfast option. If a grocery store is nearby, buy fresh apples and peanut butter (in a glass jar!) for breakfast sans trash. The apple should be trash-less...