Fort Negrita Blog — Eco-Tourism
My Zero Waste Life// Ecotourism (VIDEO)
There are many ways to explore a city. Some find fancy in the nightlife, others like to dwell in historical neighborhoods, but I'm always wondering 'what that nature life talm bout?!' In laymen term "Where are the ecotourist attractions?"
Get this, I lived in Tallahassee for almost five years and never visited the Sinkhole, Wakulla Springs or the Apalachicola National forest. It's crazy to think I...
Ree, The Swing and The Chattahoochee River
After volunteering all Saturday under the hot sun for Keep Atlanta Beautiful, I was looking forward splashing around in some chilly river water.
I was expecting to go right after my stunt with KAB, but with the day getting late, we decided to wait until Sunday.
That night I pack up Zero Waste snacks; tortilla chips, hummus, grapes, a veggie sandwich and a mason jar full of water and dreamed of...
How to Live Zero Waste in Jamaica
More than wanting to sit on the drool-worthy beaches of Jamaica, I really wanted to put my Zero Waste skills to work in another country. Just from reading fellow Zero Waste blogs I knew the standards vary from place to place.
So how did I do for eight days in Jamaica? I only garnered five single pieces of trash independently. That's two sets of flight tickets (ATL>MIA MIA>MBJ MBJ>ORL ORL>ATL) and...
The Best Day EVER! (Ecuador's Arctic Tundra/ Papallacta Hot Springs)
Claiming something as the best is always a bold statement. It means that nothing has been greater prior, a true way to say 'life hasn't been great up until this point.'
Before coming to Ecuador Supa and I made a list of things I wanted to do while living there for three months. Visiting Chota Valley, making it to the poor man's Galapagos and doing a 1-day bike ride in Quito's tundra mountains.
Sometimes I Spark Up Flames
Call me a pyro but I blame the Sag in me. Guilty!, but I like to play with fire. I love the smell of matches and the smoke that lingers after you blow out a candle.
We make these bonfires on the beach at night, up until lately it's been the best part of the summer, but I will warn you the beach is dangerous at night in Ecuador! #iknowfirsthand
Making the fire is the most consuming part of our...